Supporting the future
Our every decision and every gesture have effects on the environment and the people around us. Our choices and actions can contribute not only to preserving the world, but also to leaving it as a legacy to future generations better than we have found it. For ILCAM this is the true meaning of progress and well being.
A conquest that is accomplished every day, pursuing sustainability in its three inseparable dimensions.
Environmental sustainability

to preserve the natural resources
with responsible production processes.
Economic sustainability

to ensure income and work
for people’s livelihood.
Social sustainability

to ensure human well-being (safety, health and education)
without discrimination.
Find out how ILCAM’s ECOSYSTEM contributes to sustainability.

Meeting the company’s energy needs, respecting the environment and with the least possible costs. This priority has promoted the research and development of renewable energy sources at ILCAM, with substantial investments in this direction: 20,000 m2 of photovoltaic panels, for an output of 2,240,000 kWh/year and a CO2 reduction of 2,900 tonnes/year.
Reducing the ecological and economic impact of the company’s energy budget means eliminating waste and improving process efficiency:
- in the departments the fluorescent lights have been replaced with LED lights;
- all production systems are monitored to analyze energy consumptions and optimize them.
Meeting forest conservation requirements, the chain of custody have also been certified according to FSC ® and PEFC standards : virgin wood comes from eco-sustainable cultivations that do not adversely affect the world’s forests.
Moreover, the proximity of production units (plant in Romania) to the raw material contributes to the economic and environmental sustainability of the ILCAM system.
Man and Communities:
the most valuable resource
The sustainability of an industrial project depends to a large extent on the ability to cultivate and preserve the most valuable resource within it: man.
ILCAM works with the utmost respect for the people working in its companies and the communities that host the Group’s facilities: it was among the first companies in the industry to implement the health and safety management system according to the OHASAS 18001 standard.